Good news and bad news.

Edit – For all you waiting I think the valentines short will be ready and posted by about 12pm GMT. Later than usual but that is the life of a full time worker.

Okay let’s start with the good news first, that should hopefully dull down the bad news a bit.

Good news, I am doing a Valentine’s short chapter, featuring yours truly, ME! Just kidding, featuring Fen.
It is coming out this Friday. To my editor, Vincent, I will give you access to it tomorrow when it is complete ^.^

Bad news. Okay readers, lock the bomb shelters and bring out the long life canned produce… There is no full chapter this week.

Basically, I had the busiest weekend I have had in about 2 years and lost all that time to write. I then tried to write in overdrive and in my brilliance on Tuesday, left my laptop off the charger in sleep mode.
Now, this may not seem rather dire, but in fact it is. My laptop, even on standby, has a disgracefully short battery life. I also write my work directly into wordpress.

The result? My laptop battery went completely flat, wiping the local memory of my wordpress backup data in my internet browser… Well, I’m no expert, but I lost 3000 words and my motivation for the next 24hours.

But I do want to bring you something, so I am doing the valentines short chapter! The chapter is a part of the story, just like the Christmas special, so definitely worth your time. Plus, we all seem to be FenXLost here ^.^


      1. Also not a translator. Wolfy is the author of End Online. Problems like this are rather common in our line of work. Don’t write directly into wordpress. Use word or open office. Open office is free.

        Liked by 1 person


        1. Instead, I recommend a Google doc. I’ve heard it’s more reliable and accessible than the former two options. Whoops, this is one of the rare few originally English novels I’m currently reading



      2. And here I was waiting for you to show up with a witty comment like “And here Life is!” Well, once I get about half way through the chapter I move it over to google docs so Vincent can do his thing. I just write direct to wordpress as I find it easier, especially with the text boxes.

        Liked by 1 person


        1. MWAHAHA!! Lol, that’s why I said “I entirely agree” XD. I should have put an evil emoticon or something after it. That’s great, I hope things go smoothly from here.



  1. Stupid battery issues. Sucks when stuff like that happens. Especially when I just happen to have caught up with the story.

    I’m REALLY enjoying this btw. It reminds me of the good parts of Sword Art Online.



  2. Ah… so that’s what happened, and here I thought that you’re busy with your new work and there will be no proofreading for me this week.



  3. Yup I’m mega sad 😦

    I love your books absolutely captivated me when I started reading them. I now can’t wait till next fri. To read the next chapter!
    Obviously this short will be cool but…. it’s not 3k words of amazing.



  4. Stuff like that always happens , it could have been worse , at least you still have the rough story in your head , its just the process of typing it out in a refined form that is lost. But yeah i know from personal experience how demotivating that can be and despite that you still release half a chapter, which might be more than anyone reasonable could demand considering everything. πŸ˜‰



  5. (Enjoyed Play to Live v01-v03 by D.Rus and Portals of Infinity v01 by John Van Stry. I will probably finish the other half of the second volume by tomorrow. Finally watched ten episodes of various anime which is sadly only a fraction of my primary backlog. I plan to learn from the articles of “the DAEDALUS PROJECT: MMORPG Research, Cyberculture, MMORPG Psychology” before I continue tinkering with one of my pet projects.)

    “I also write my work directly into wordpress.” (y u do dis? y?! QQ)

    Half of my comments and most of my PM in myanimelist (which I was still visiting until last December) were 1 to 3K each with a few being 5 to 6K. The thing is, whenever you get disconnected, you likely lost whatever you were typing because the comment box was just a textarea/form combo with no AJAX support whatsoever. (The pertinent page expires a bit too quickly so using backspace after getting reconnected is futile.) Experiencing that frustration enough times got me into the habit of drafting my replies into local text files before copy-pasting them to post. (I don’t do this for one-liners though, haha.)

    I don’t think duct tape could have solved your battery problems this time. Sorry about that. =,= (MacGuyver!!!)

    What?! It’s not going to be Fen-yan-yan x Verde-re-dere? πŸ˜› (Lost x Fen somehow makes me think of Accelerator x Last Order.)



    1. haha. Well, wordpress has auto back ups in my computer memory, so if I accidentally close it or whatnot I can always restore it, even in sleep mode. But when my computer turns off completely (no more battery to sustain sleep mode) it goes bye bye lol.



      1. I’m so relieved, I just discovered end online on Wednesday and had read chapters 1 to 14 before the end of the day. I don’t think I could have made it till midnight



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